
Wednesday 11 April 2012

Removing EE and Adding Others

Removing EE

I posted on my twitter saying that I will be removing Equivalent Exchange from my Let's Play. I have had a lot of fun with it but I feel that I am far too overpowered right now.

I miss mining, I miss going underground so I will be playing without that mod after episode 20. I will post a mini episode explaining my thoughts in detail about the mod and the gameplay and what I will be doing with all of this energy I have collected.

On the subject of energy. I literally have no idea what I should do with the energy. I have over 52 million EMC and have nothing that I can use with it. I'm thinking of making a little storyline as to how I lost all these powers and items.

With that, I will most likely be installing ThaumCraft2 as this mod does not give me any sort of upper edge. It will allow me to create Portals and all manor of different effects without the need of items and a good progression.

This doesn't mean that I dislike EE, I just feel that I'm too overepowered and would like to take a step back from that.


I have added in BiomesXL now, these add the glorious huge biomes of Wastelands and large mountained forested areas. I love this mod. I will be pruning the world around me so that the world changes in ThaumCraft and the new items in BiomesXL can generate correctly.

The Series

I have a tendency to start new series at funny times and I hate that. I really do want to keep with this series to as far as I can. People like Coe and Etho have done it, why haven't I yet?

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Minecraft V Mods

Mods Used

Here is a list of the mods I'm using on my Let's Play.

Mods (Internal)
Minecraft Forge
ChickenBone's Core/NEI

Mods (External [/mods/])
Equivalent Exchange

New Beginnings

I am a little late.

I am late because it was a few weeks ago when I created all new titles and an intro for my channel. But with my website going down due to lack of funds, I thought it a good idea just to get a free blog and not piss about with having to code my own or purchase my domain again. I did wonder why I even needed a website, since all of my content is on YouTube. But I do need a blog or news feed so that I can convey information that is longer than 142 characters. Which is what this blog is for. Any important news will be placed here for your eye's pleasure.